The IBM Workload Scheduler What-if Analysis shows activities displayed against time and give you a visual representation of your plan at a glance in real time.
For example, if you know that a required file will be made available later than expected, you can evaluate the effects on the whole plan of the delay in the delivery of the file and see in detail which jobs and job streams risk missing their deadlines. With What-if Analysis you can easily modify various properties in your plan such as modifying the start date, or adding and deleting dependencies just by dragging and dropping the bar chart. In this way, you can foresee the risk levels and how they will impact your plan. Running the What-if Analysis before implementing the actual plan shows your predicted results at a glance, by seeing the results beforehand you can plan for any potential problems before you start. Any changes that you make in What-if Analysis are applied only for simulation purposes until you use the option "Apply changes" to the actual plan.
The jobs are visually displayed in a Gantt chart. A Gantt chart is a time and activity bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. It displays the current status of critical jobs, the planned start and end times, deadline, and the risk level associated to each critical job.