IBM Workload Scheduler integrates with Salesforce to provide the capability of automating, monitoring, and controlling workflows containing batch APEX jobs.

You gain greater control of your Salesforce jobs with both calendar based and event based workload automation as well as providing a single point of control to handle exceptions and automate recovery processes.

Business scenario

WWMail4U.Inc offers mail and e-commerce market products and services worldwide. As an organization, WWMail4U.Inc manages large amounts of complex data traffic.

WWMail4U.Inc operates in a very competitive market, and to maintain a leading role, it recently implemented cloud solutions to provide business applications as a service to its customers. WWMail4U.Inc's top priority is to have its SAP source servers aligned with the SalesForce Server within the cloud environment. The company's SAP workload is already controlled by IBM Workload Scheduler and the plan is to extend this control to all their (batch) business processes.

Thanks to the integration between IBM Workload Scheduler and Salesforce, WWMail4U.Inc has its entire business process chain in a single job stream controlled by IBM Workload Scheduler